Author Daniel Coyle
Genres Self Help
Rating πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ–€
Date Finished 12/01/2024

πŸš€ The Book in 3 Sentences

  1. There are no prodigies. Only cultivated talent and practice.
  2. Practice with intention (slow down, exagerate moves, introduce challenges).
  3. Hard Skills (kicking a ball) vs Soft Skills (reading the field).

🎨 Impressions

A bit too short. Some chapters could have benefited from a few more words.

How I Discovered It

I had it in my TODOs for a while, I don’t remember.

Who Should Read It?

Everyone. If you are someone practicing something or coaching someone (at an amateur level that is) you might find a tip useful for you. Even advanced user might find something useful, but at that level, depending on the kind of skill you are practicing, a coach or mentor might be more useful.

πŸ€ How the Book Changed Me

I was already aware of the importance of practice in determining one’s perceived talent. As I’m not really practicing anything worth discussing about now I haven’t changed anything in my routine, but in the future it will be convenient to have the book at hand and review it once in a while.

πŸ“’ Summary + Notes

The book contains 52 tips to improve you own skills and help you become a better coach. It’s intentionally very short and was designed to be kept at hand and reviewed when necessary.