Author Jason Schreier
Genres Business
Rating πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ–€
Date Finished ~2024

🎨 Impressions

The book contains a few stories about indie game developer and a few stories about big game studios. I found the indie stories more interesenting and relatable since they are closer to my situation.

How I Discovered It

Looking for books about indie developers.

Who Should Read It?

Everyone interestend in how games are developed from a hollistic rather than technical point of view. There are a few stories about indie developers that I found more interesting, since a single person or a group of people making a game is more relatable than a company of hundreds of people.

It’s a shallow dive into the harsh world of game development: an unforgiving world where failing is guaranteed. You need to be able to do writing, art, code, sound, marketing and many more to a high level and even with that success is not certain.

πŸ€ How the Book Changed Me

Game development is truly chaotic. It’s important to have a plan, but it’s more important to be able to adapt to the current times and sometimes improvise and take risks.